Remembering those who have returned to the Lord this year.

Sunday, November 3, 2019
3:00-4:00 PM
St. Joseph Catholic Church

Be lifted by the beautiful music of the St. Joseph:
♫ Adult Choir
♫Resurrection Choir

Please join us following the concert for refreshments and fellowship in the Parish Center

Chicken Noodle Dinner

Saturday, November 2, 2019

6:00 PM  

SJS Cafeteria

Our Youth Missionaries will sponsor a “Meal of Thanksgiving” to say thank you to everyone for your support of Mission 2019. We would also like to share with you our  experience of this years mission with pictures and personal witnesses.

All are invited!


Dear Families,

With October being the month of the Rosary, I would like to issue a challenge for all of our St. Joseph parish families… Could we pray at least 500 Rosaries in a month? With almost 200 children in K-8th grade in our whole parish, if each student prayed at least 3 Rosaries in the whole month, we would more than cover the goal!

The Rosary is a beautiful and powerful prayer. St. John Paul the II said “ The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer! Marvelous in its simplicity and its depth.”  Venerable Fulton Sheen explained that “The power of the rosary is beyond description.” While Saint Padre Pio would actually call it his “Weapon against evil”!   Imagine the good that could come from all of us saying these amazing and life changing prayers!

This is a challenge that we invite all families to accept, I have faith that we can reach our goal and then some! Do not be intimidated by the length or trying to get all of your kids to sit still. Break it up throughout the day! You could pray the beginning prayers and first decade while driving them to school, another decade on your way to sports practice, one before bed, sprinkle it in through the day and work up to saying it in one sitting. Or perhaps you  join with another family or two and all pray it together at someone’s home. You can also find recordings of the prayers for your family to pray along to and for the little ones there are printable coloring pages for them to color the beads of the Rosary while they recite the prayers together.

On the back of this letter  are the prayers and instruction on how to pray the Rosary and at the bottom of this are boxes for you to fill out and return as you have completed a Rosary. Simply fill it out and return to SJS or CCD. On the back of these are blank Rosaries, you can fill in the beads to help you keep track of where you have stopped and how many prayers are left. I hope that your family will accept this challenge and join us!

Rosary Challenge Letter PDF

God Bless,

Anna McMahan, D.R.E.



Club 3:16 is this Saturday from 5:30pm – 8:30pm.

RCIA classes will start Wednesday, September 4th at  7pm.

A registration form and the schedule of topics, can be found here.



CCD classes start Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30pm.

If you haven’t registered yet, forms can be found here.



Please pray for all the participants and volunteers this week that are attending and helping with VBA. For more information about our VBA program, please click here.

The Parish Council is needing two new members to fill vacant seats. The deadline date for nominations is June 16, 2019. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please complete this form and return in the Sunday collection basket or to the Parish Center.

On Monday, May 27th we will have a Memorial Day Mass at 9am at St. Joseph Cemetery. In the event of rain, the Mass will be moved to the Church.

We have the grand finale to our 2019 Spring Festival this weekend!

Friday, May 3rd we will have our Parish Carnival and Family Dinner starting at 5pm. There will be silent auction items, plants, and baked goods for sale as well.

Saturday, May 4th we will have our Parish Gala Dinner at the Par-a-dice starting at 5pm with appetizers. We will have a silent auction, live auction, raffles and the drawing for our Big Raffle with a grand prize of $10,000.